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Teaching artist

It all started in college when I decided to apply to be a Teaching Assistant for the beginning levels of Acting. I had enjoyed what I'd learned and been through massive growth in my own acting and I wanted to help others do the same. As I progressed further along as a TA, I was responsible for sitting in on scene rehearsals to give notes and advise the students how to strengthen their work, holding office hours, and getting the chance to lead and craft warm-ups.

My time as a TA in college inspired me to apply for internships in Education. I started as an intern with George Street Playhouse's Summer Theatre Academy. From there, I worked my way up to Lead Intern, then Teaching Assistant, and finally to Co-Teacher. We were responsible for finding source material, guiding the students to writing their own plays with that source material, directing/blocking the final performance, and leading games and warm-ups. During my time at George Street, I also worked in their in-school residencies. We would go into public school classrooms and help students learn their school subject through theatre, drama, and expression. By letting the students get the information 'into their bodies' and bringing a human point of view to each lesson, they were better able to understand the information. 

Through my learning and work at GSP, I was able to branch off and lead my own classrooms. I started teaching my own individual classes, both during summer camps as well as year round, after-school classes. My teaching style is one that is joyous, collaborative, inclusive, fun, and spontaneous. I always want to hear input from my students and know that the ensemble working and creating together is the best way to succeed. I have experience working with acting, singing, choreography, blocking, directing, devising materials, Shakespeare, and teaching in a virtual format. 

If you'd like to inquire more about my Teaching Artist background and skills, please feel free to reach out on my contact page! 

The younger generation is the future of art and we must help them grow; so let's do it together!

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